What Are Your Unconscious Motivators?
Want to know about your deep-down personality drives that tend to motivate the things that you do – good and bad?
Take this fascinating, interactive online test and find out!
Why do we do what we do?
It is a complicated question and at the heart of real personal transformation.
Our personalities are formed from patterns developed over a lifetime. Some patterns are wonderful and make us the unique people that we are. Other patterns sometimes keep us from being our healthiest and happiest.
And interestingly enough, sometimes the patterns that serve us so well most times – become a real problem when they are taken too far.
This test is based on the “Big 5 Personality Profile” used by psychologists all over the world as an alternative (or compliment to) the MMPI which you may have heard of.
But we hypnotists look at it differently. We believe that our personalities aren’t set in stone. We know that we can change and shape how we react and interact with the world. So we look at these as our patterns – not personalities.
Every one of us can grow into who we most want to be by reshaping behaviors and sometimes even beliefs and expectations like Michelangelo would sculpt the most beautiful human forms.
So learning about these kinds of personality patterns in ourselves can be more than just fun. They can give us insights that help us all see things we might not otherwise. And this one can be a wonderful tool for your hypnotherapist to learn how to help you shape your world into a happier one.
This test is more in-depth and takes more time than our basic hypnotizability test. You’ll want to plan about 20 minutes and there are no videos. But this is a real profile, not one of those “which Disney character would you be” things you see on facebook. It’s worth your time and we will explain the results at the end.
And we would definitely recommend sending your results in to your hypnotherapist when you are done.
Great things may just ensue…